
August 2024: Improved CH4- and N2O-retrieval using MIPAS-V8 spectra

July 2024: CFC-11, CFC-12, and HCFC-22 from 2002-2012: The MIPAS V8 data set

April 2024: MIPAS ozone in an extended altitude range

March 2024: MIPAS temperatures in the middle atmosphere

November 2023: Worst case scenario for a solar proton event predicts largest possible ozone losses

September 2023: WAVAS II, satellite and frost point hygrometer comparison

June 2023: MIPAS retrievals of nitric oxide

May 2023: V8 MIPAS IMK/IAA ozone retrievals

April 2023: 5th SPARC TUNER Meeting at KIT

December 2022: RCP/KOPRA goes MARS!

November 2022: The MIPAS V8 Error Budget

October 2022: The error budget of OMPS stratospheric ozone measurements

September 2022: MIPAS age of air data were used to assess the ability of recent reanalyses to represent dynamics and transport in the stratosphere within the SPARC S-RIP project

August 2022: MIPAS OCS-measurements confirm gross primary production in the Amazon region of different vegetation models

July 2022: The SPARC water vapor assessment II: Assessment of satellite measurements of upper tropospheric water vapor

June 2022: Satellite data validation: a parametrization of the natural variability of atmospheric mixing ratios

May 2022: ESA Version 8 final full mission analysis of MIPAS measurements

April 2022: Error or Uncertainty?

March 2022: The ESA MIPAS/Envisat level2-v8 dataset

February 2022: IMK/IAA MIPAS version 8 trace gas distributions available

January 2022: 10 years of global distributions of BrONO2 from MIPAS measurements

December 2021: Model simulations with mesospheric SF6 sink included resolve the discrepancy between model age of air becoming younger in the Northern hemisphere versus observations of age of air with positive trend

November 2021: MIPAS V8 processing with HPC facilities

October 2021: MIPAS NOM, MA, and UA measurements help to validate new SMR H2O v3.0 data set

September 2021: Middle atmospheric circulation in unprecedented detail

August 2021: Observation of pollution trace gases above the North Atlantic with the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer GLORIA

July 2021: V8 MIPAS temperature nominal mode data released

June 2021: MIPAS contributes to the SPARC Data Initiative

May 2021: Regional trends of stratospheric ozone

April 2021: The role of natural variability in satellite ozone validation

March 2021: Validation of the TM5 chemistry transport model with MIPAS COS measurements

February 2021: ANCISTRUS Software validated

January 2021: ANCISTRUS Software published

December 2020: The airborne imaging Fourier transform spectrometer GLORIA detects pollution gases in the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone

November 2020: TUNER special issue submission deadline extended

October 2020: Water vapour and climate

September 2020: Comparison of MIPAS V5 methane and nitrous oxide to ground-based FTIR observations in Ethiopia

August 2020: Recommendations of the SPARC Activity "Towards Unified Error Reporting (TUNER)" published

July 2020: Tokyo's annual CO2-emissions can be calculated from 4 years of data from the TCCON station in Tsukuba and radiosondes

June 2020: Better SF6 global distributions

May 2020: SILAM model calculations including the SF6 sink in the mesosphere confirm MIPAS observations of SF6 and mean age of stratospheric air

April 2020: Due to the Corona pandemy the 13th MIPAS Data User Meeting will be postponed!

March 2020: First detection of a Brief Mesoscale Elevated Stratopause in very early winter

February 2020: A special issue on IMK/IAA MIPAS data

January 2020: Discrepancies of the amplitudes of the δD tape recorder between MIPAS and other data can be resolved by applying MIPAS averaging kernels

December 2019: MIPAS data contribute to the validation of assimilated MLS trace gas distributions

November 2019: MIPAS HCFC22 data help to validate ground based FTIR HCFC22 measurements from Jungfraujoch station

October 2019: Can averaging kernels be averaged?

September 2019: The impact of vertical resolution on the identification of the tropopause altitude

August 2019: Lidar profiles without a priori information

July 2019: Determination of biases and drifts from intercomparison of stratospheric water vapour satellite records - a contribution to the SPARC WAVAS-II activity

June 2019: MIPAS HCFC-22 measurements help to identify the transport of young air masses to the top of the Asian monsoon anticyclone and into the tropical pipe

May 2019: Estimated ozone trends depend on the analysis method

April 2019: Differences of deuterium depletion measurements between MIPAS, ACE-FTS and Odin/SMR assessed

March 2019: 10 Years of Monthly Highlights

February 2019: MIPAS version 8 data available

January 2019: Upper tropospheric PAN distributions derived from MIPAS used for the first time within tropospheric transport studies under North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) impact

December 2018: A 10-year climatology of Polar Stratospheric Cloud (PSC) volume densities is available from MIPAS

November 2018: The Encyclopedia of Geosciences

October 2018: The version 7 of MIPAS ozone record has improved long-term stability

September 2018: A spectroscopic issue was found to explain the differences between ozone profiles retrieved in MIPAS channels A and AB

August 2018: Evolution of temperature and nitric acid in the unusually cold Arctic winter 2010/2011 is seen by MIPAS and MLS consistently

July 2018: Discrepancies between lower stratospheric water vapour time series from Boulder frost point hygrometer data, satellite measurements and model simulations remain unexplained

June 2018: Screening artefacts in infrared measurements

May 2018: MIPAS provides global ozone distributions from the lower stratosphere to the lower thermosphere

April 2018: SF6 observations from satellites, ground-based FTIR and surface in-situ stations agree with each other

March 2018: El Niño affects the HCN content of the tropical stratosphere

February 2018: Sulphate aerosol in the stratosphere

January 2018: The WCRP/SPARC WAVAS-II Initiative: Quality assessment of stratospheric water vapour records from contemporary satellites

December 2017: Ozone recovery in the upper stratosphere

November 2017: The strength of the Brewer-Dobson circulation of the stratosphere

October 2017: Shift of subtropical transport barriers explains observed hemispheric asymmetry of decadal trends of age of air

September 2017: Volcano eruptions perturb stratospheric nitrogen chemistry

August 2017: How to get the best out of four MIPAS processors

July 2017: MIPAS measures global CCl4 fields

June 2017: The WCRP/SPARC WAVAS-II Initiative: Quality assessment of stratospheric water vapour records from contemporary satellites

May 2017: Subsidence during a major stratospheric warming observed and modelled

April 2017: Global OCS distribution derived from MIPAS measurements

March 2017: Global CO2 distributions from MIPAS

February 2017: MIPAS measures heavy ozone in the stratosphere

January 2017: First detection of ammonia in the upper troposphere

December 2016: A new approach to the Brewer-Dobson Circulation: The direct inversion of the continuity equation

November 2016: MIPAS HCFC-22 used as a tracer for pollutant transport through the Asian monsoon anticyclone

October 2016: Natural ozone variability over Bern explained

September 2016: Reconstruction of energetic particle produced NOy for climate calculations

August 2016:  Millennium water vapour drop was caused by an interplay of ENSO and QBO

July 2016: MIPAS CFC-11 and CFC-12 validated

June 2016: MIPAS provides measurements of the total ice volume of noctilucent clouds, for the first time at all relevant latitudes

May 2016: HCFC-22 is a perfect tracer for troposphere-stratosphere transport

April 2016: MIPAS nitrous oxide profiles validated

March 2016: MIPAS detects a tropical COS-sink

February 2016: MIPAS methane succesfully validated

January 2016: Reassessment of MIPAS age of air trends

December 2015: Revised retrieval of methane and nitrous oxide from MIPAS-ENVISAT

November 2015: Microwave spectrometer measurements over Bern indicate ozone recovery

October 2015: A solar signal in stratospheric water vapour

September 2015: MIPAS temperatures help to merge SSU and AMSU data

August 2015: Simulations of the isotopic composition of stratospheric water vapour

July 2015: No more trouble with averaging kernels!

June 2015: Volcanic eruptions visible in MIPAS SO2 data

May 2015: Stratospheric sulfur simulated by the chemistry climate model EMAC and measured by MIPAS

April 2015: Variability of stratospheric mean age of air: local effects of residual circulation and eddy mixing

March 2015: Seasonal cycle of MIPAS HCN at 14 km altitude

February 2015: Energetic particle precipitation produced NOy linked to geomagnetic activity variations

January 2015: MIPAS ozone successfully validated

December 2014: Low temperatures after sudden stratospheric warming lead to atypical atmospheric composition

November 2014: Circulation changes explain the vertical structure of stratospheric water vapour changes

October 2014: Gaussian Error Propagation not applicable to the Smoothing Error

September 2014: MIPAS data used for GOMOS validation

August 2014: MIPAS performs well in SPARC Data Initiative ozone intercomparison

July 2014: The Montreal protocol saves the ozone layer

June 2014: Solar rotation and geomagnetic storms affect mesospheric NO2

May 2014: First full quantification of EPP produced NOy contribution to the stratospheric budget

April 2014: MIPAS ozone trends reveal distinctly resolved complex patterns

March 2014: MIPAS data used for model initialisation to test an improved nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) nucleation scheme

February 2014: MIPAS H2O in the SPARC data initiative

January 2014: Multispectral ozone retrievals detect ozone plume

December 2013: MIPAS observation of sulphur dioxide (SO2) in the stratosphere

November 2013: Variations in middle atmospheric water vapor from 2004 to 2013

October 2013: MIPAS helps to validate SMILES ozone

September 2013: Temporal variation of water vapor around the stratopause

August 2013: Still an issue: stratospheric chlorine

July 2013: O3-N2O tracer-tracer correlations in the tropics provide unambiguous model diagnostics

June 2013: Not as trivial as one might think: the standard error of the mean

May 2013: Rise and fall of solar proton generated NOx

April 2013: 100 000 000 th MIPAS result archived

March 2013: MIPAS observes Australian bushfire emissions in the stratosphere

February 2013: MIPAS observed large solar proton events in 2012

January 2013: Unexpected trends of CFC-11 and CFC-12 in the middle stratosphere hint towards changes in the meridional circulation

December 2012: LATEST NEWS: IMK wins MIPAS round robin

November 2012: MIPAS HDO/δD observations help to detect and diagnose biases of processes controlling tropospheric humidity in atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs)

October 2012: The natural greenhouse effect of N2 and O2 in the infrared

September 2012: How to average logarithmic retrievals?

August 2012: LIMS measurements revisited: EPP effects on stratosphere in winter 1978-1979 are typical for Arctic

July 2012: Comparisons of broadband radiative transfer calculations with MIPAS spectra

June 2012: MIPAS detects pollutants in the upper troposphere

May 2012: First global data set on mean age of stratospheric air and its temporal variations derived from MIPAS

April 2012: MIPAS HOCl Climatologies

March 2012: MIPAS IMK/IAA V4O temperature, water vapor, and ozone data successfully validated

February 2012: Aura/MLS and Envisat/MIPAS monitor the exceptionally cold Arctic winter 2010/2011

January 2012: Arctic winter 2010/2011 at the brink of an ozone hole

December 2011: Satellite data reveal: The position of the subtropical transport barrier varies with season and QBO cycle

November 2011: Validation of the MIPAS HDO dataset with other satellite observations

October 2011: The comprehensive HEPPA model vs. MIPAS data comparison now published

September 2011: Can thermal infrared nadir sounding provide information on air composition in the boundary layer?

August 2011: MIPAS provides first global day- and nighttime temperature and NO measurements in the thermosphere

July 2011: MIPAS observations of H2O2 during the Solar Proton Event in January 2005 indicate deficiencies in HOx modeling

June 2011: Air Quality Measurements from Satellite

May 2011: Development of the low ozone in the polar vortex during February and March 2011

April 2011: Record low ozone over the Arctic

March 2011: IMK MIPAS data are used within numerous SPARC related initiatives

February 2011: MIPAS helps to validate ozone predictions by Chemistry-Climate Models

January 2011: Impact of temperature field inhomogeneities on MIPAS retrievals

December 2010: Do vibrationally excited OH molecules affect middle and upper atmospheric chemistry?

November 2010: Ozone loss due to high energetic solar protons

October 2010: Influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon on Water vapor and ozone concentrations in the tropopause region

September 2010: Data inhomogeneities can distort trend analysis

August 2010: MIPAS provides first observational evidence of the coupling from the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere during a major stratospheric warming

July 2010: New Compute Cluster for MIPAS data processing

June 2010: MIPAS observes formic acid in the upper troposphere

May 2010: Oxidation of hydrogen contributes by ~ 0.4 ppm to the water vapour budget in the equatorial upper stratosphere

April 2010: MIPAS measurements of deuterated water provide constraints on the role of convection for dehydration processes near the tropical tropopause

March 2010: 2008/2009 Polar Winter Chemistry and Dynamics as Seen by MLS/Aura and MIPAS/Envisat

February 2010: Biomass burning and industrial pollution mapped by MIPAS HCN and C2H6

January 2010: MIPAS can see polar mesospheric clouds

December 2009: Polluted air trapped in the Asian monsoon anticyclone near the tropopause

November 2009: Consistent MIPAS and CALIPSO observations of PSC

October 2009: MIPAS-IMK water vapour data validated

September 2009: Relative humidity over ice

August 2009: MIPAS Polar Stratospheric Cloud measurements revisited

July 2009: MIPAS is still alive

June 2009: Upper stratospheric/mesospheric vortex breakdown

May 2009: MIPAS confirms Stimpfle et al. formation rates for HOCl

April 2009: Horizontal Resolution of MIPAS

March 2009: bromine nitrate