Fifth SPARC TUNER Meeting
18 - 20 April 2023 in Karlsruhe (KIT Campus North)
Local Organisation Team:
Thomas von Clarmann
Sylvia Kellmann
Berfin Demirci
Esther-Salomé Prietzel
Three major goals were pursued:
Presentations on TUNER-related activities of the participants
- Coordination with other SPARC activities
- Work on the user tutorial paper
Tuesday 18 April afternoon: Presentations on TUNER-related work
14:00 Welcome, technical issues ...
14:30 Viktoria Sofieva: A posteriori uncertainty estimates in the SUNLIT homogenization of ozone profiles
14:50 Alexandra Laeng: One method to validate the uncertainties of atmospheric composition records
15:10 Arno Keppens: Uncertainty of combined vertically resolved atmospheric state observations from satellites
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Carlo Arosio: Uncertainties of tropospheric ozone column data from limb-nadir matching of OMPS observations
16:20 Steven Compernolle: Connecting the TUNER framework to maturity matrix approaches for satellite data
16:40 Michael Kiefer: The MIPAS error budget
17:00 Adjourn
17:29 direct train from the campus to the city center
Wednesday 19 April full day: Tutorial paper
09:15 Natalya Kramarova: Error budget for OMPS LP ozone retrievals
09:35 Discussion/Work: tutorial paper
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Discussion/Work: tutorial paper (cont'd)
12:45 Lunch break at the KIT canteen (Casino) - selfpaying with guest card
14:00 Discussion/Work: tutorial paper (cont'd)
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Discussion/Work: tutorial paper (cont'd)
17:00 Adjourn
17:29 direct train from the campus to the city center
Evening: Workshop Dinner
19:30 Workshop Dinner
Thursday 20 April morning: Tutorial paper (cont'd)
09:15 Discussion/Work: tutorial paper (cont'd)
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Summary tutorial paper
12:45 Lunch break at the KIT canteen (Casino) - selfpaying with guest card
14:00 Coordination with other SPARC activities
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Coordination with other SPARC activities (cont'd; optional)
17:00 End of the meeting