List of all Input Parameters

The example input file input_sodankyla_example.yml contains the most relevant input parameters to run the PROFFASTpylot. However, there are several more parameters which can be used optionally. In this file all parameters are given and explained.

Site information

  • instrument_number
    The serial number of your EM27/SUN.

  • site_name
    The name of the current measurement site.

  • site_abbrev
    A two-letter abbreviation to assign your site to a map file.

  • coords
    Coordinates of the measurement. Alternatively, a coordinate file can be used (see below).

    • lat: Latitude, degrees north in decimal format

    • lon: Longitude, degrees east in decimal format

    • alt: Altitude, km over sea level

  • coord_file
    Give the coordinates in a comma separated file. An example file can be found in examples/input_data/coords.csv

  • utc_offset
    The UTC-offset of your measurements. This can either be due to the measurement in a different time zone or due to an error in the syncing of the PC clock.

  • note
    Optional comment included in bin-files by PROFFAST preprocess.

Steering of the behavior:

  • min_interferogram_size
    File size in MegaBytes. All interferograms smaller than the given size are skipped.

  • igram_pattern
    The file name pattern of the interferograms can be used to process only specific files in the interferogram folder. The default value is *.* which means that all files in the interferogram folders are used for processing.

  • start_with_spectra
    True or False
    Start the processing chain with already available spectra. The spectra have to be located at <analysis>/SiteName_InstrumentNumber/YYMMDD/cal where <analysis> is the given analysis path.

  • start_date
    Date with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    The first date to be processed. If not given, the earliest available date is the start date.

  • end_date
    Date with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    The last date to be processed. If not given, the latest available date is the end date.

  • delete_abscosbin_files
    False (default) or True
    The *abscos.bin file contains the the simulation of the atmosphere which is the result of the PROFFAST pcxs program. Pcxs can then be skipped if the abscos files are present from a previous run. If True the *abscos.bin will be removed after the run otherwise they are kept in prf/wrk_fast. If the abscos files are not deleted, the pT and VMR files are copied instead of moved to the result folder in order to be present if pcxs is skipped in a following run.

  • delete_input_files
    False (default) or True
    If False: The output of the PROFFAST programs will be moved to results folder.

  • instrument_parameters
    To evaluate EM27/SUN data this parameter does not have to be given explicitly.
    Possible values are: em27``(default), ``tccon_ka_hr, tccon_ka_lr, tccon_default_hr, tccon_default_lr, invenio, vertex, ircube or a path to an instrument-config file.
    For more details refer to the Instrument Parameters article of the documentation.

  • mapfile_wetair_vmr
    default: None (determined during runtime)
    If you are using other mapfiles than the standard ggg2020 or ggg2014 files you can set if the columns are based on wet air (True) or dry air (False).

Path settings

  • proffast_path
    The path pointing to the PROFFAST folder.

  • interferogram_path
    The path to the interferograms. The data structure must be like YYMMDD/YYMMDD*.XXX

  • map_path
    The path pointing to the map files.

  • pressure_path
    The path pointing to the pressure data.

  • pressure_type_file
    The path pointing to the pressure setup file. For more explanation see the article about pressure input in the documentation.

  • analysis_path
    In the analysis path the spectra produced by preprocess are written to. We recommend to call it analysis. Within this folder the PROFFASTpylot will create a folder structure like analysis/SiteName_InstrumentNumber/YYMMDD. Consult also the article about folder structure in the documentation.

  • result_path
    The merged results, the log files and optionally the input files are written to the result path. Within it, PROFFASTpylot will create a folder named SiteName_InstrumentNumber_StartDate-EndDate.