Folder Structure

With PROFFASTpylot most of the folder structure can be chosen freely. This article gives an overview about the needed folders and files. They can be divided into four categories:

  1. Input data: Interferograms, pressure files, map files

  2. Output data: Spectra, results of the processing, config files

  3. Program Files: This includes the folder to the PROFFAST binaries as well as the proffastpylot directory (see note below).

  4. Steering Files: input files and run files for specific runs

All paths can be chosen freely (e.g. input data can be located on an external hard disk).

We recommend disentangling input data, output data and the program execution files from each other.

Note: To run the example files using PROFFAST must be located inside the proffastpylot directory as described in the Installation article.

1. Input data

You can specify three paths for your input data: The path

  1. of the interferograms,

  2. of the the pressure files and

  3. of the map files (containing atmospheric information).

Optionally a file with the coordinates of the measurements can be provided.

In our example all these folders and files are in example/input_data.


The interferogram_path should be a folder with the interferograms inside. It needs to have the following structure:

│    └── ...
│    ├── ...
├── ...

Pressure input

Inside the pressure_path pressure measurements for each measurement day should be provided. The frequency of the files (e.g. monthly or daily) and the formatting is flexible. In the pressure_type_file the file format can be defined. See the Pressure Input article, how the pressure type file is organized.

Map Files

PROFFASTpylot supports the usage of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 map files. It detects automatically what kind of map file is used. The path to the files is specified by the map_path in the input file.

2. Output data

Two output paths have to be specified: the analysis_path and the result_path

Analysis path

Day-specific output files are written to the analysis folder by PROFFAST automatically. The analysis folder is created with the following structure:

├── <site_name>_<instrument>
|    ├──YYMMDD
│    |       └── cal
|    ├──YYMMDD

Inside the YYMMDD folder the spectra, which are named YYMMDD_HHMMSSSN.BIN (or SM.BIN) will be located. Note that this timestamp as well as the folder name correspond to the measurement time. The UTC time of the measurement, that is derived from the variable utc_offset in preprocess, is written to the header of the spectrum. For more information on time offsets, see the Time Offsets article.

The files that were located in YYMMDD/pT are handled elsewhere since version 1.1.

Result path

In the result folder run-specific information is stored. In the folder the retrieval results of all days are stored. Those files are merged to a single file comb_invparms_<site_name>_<instrument_nr>_<YYMMDD>-<YYMMDD>.csv. Furthermore, the logfiles of the runs are stored in result_path/logfiles.

3. Program Files

In principle the proffastpylot directory can be located elsewhere than the PROFFAST binaries. The location can be given as proffast_path in the input file. The default is proffastpylot/prf

4. Steering Files

The input files and python scripts that call proffastpylot do not need to be located inside the proffastpylot directory.

Example for a possible folder structure

An example how a folder structure could look like is given below (most sub-directories are created automatically).

    ├── interferograms
    ├── map
    └── pressure

    ├── analysis
    │    └── Sodankyla_SN039
    │       └── cal
    └── results
         └── Sodankyla_SN039_170608-170609
            ├── logfiles
            ├── ...
            └── comb_invparms_Sodankyla_SN039_170608-170608.csv

    ├── sodankyla_pressure_type.yml
    ├── sodankyla_coords.csv
    └── input_sodankyla.yml

D:\proffastpylot (does not contain any personal data)
    ├── docs
    ├── prf
    │    ├── pxcs20.exe
    │    ├── invers20.exe
    │    ├── ...
    │    ├── preprocess
    │    │    └── preprocess4.exe
    │    ├── out_fast
    │    ├── inp_fast
    │    ├── ...
    │    └── wrk_fast
    └── prfpylot
        └── ...

In this example the relevant paths given in the input file would be

coord_file: sodankyla_coords.csv

interferogram_path: E:\EM27_Sodankyla_RawData\interferograms
map_path: E:\EM27_Sodankyla_RawData\map
pressure_path: E:\EM27_Sodankyla_RawData\pressure

pressure_type_file: sodankya_pressure_type.yml

analysis_path: D:\EM27_OutputData\analysis
result_path: D:\EM27_OutputData\results

Note that paths can also be relative.